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October 1997

The New Revenue Agency — No Nonsense Tax Administration

By Howard Berglas, CA

Revenue Canada recently announced that it is proceeding with a plan to create a National Revenue Agency to replace Revenue Canada. The new Agency will be headed by a committee of external persons selected from various sources. While the Revenue Minister will still have ultimate authority, the Agency will have much more autonomy than Revenue Canada. It will probably be more like the Internal Revenue Service in the United States, which for most of us means only one thing - it will be tougher.

A recent Revenue Canada study, in some ways a report card, was released last April. It outlines Revenue Canada's audit approaches and where it will be boosting its efforts. The report is well written, concise, and makes interesting reading. We ordered 200 copies for distribution to our clients and associates. We have about 40 left, so if you would like a copy, call us quickly.