» Tax Consulting and Related Services »
February 17, 2025

Service Areas

    Commodity Taxation

  • Commodity Taxation - Customs Duties, GST, PST
    Through our close associates we can provide a range of services regarding customs duties, goods and services tax (GST), and provincial sales tax (PST). We can advise especially on the special requirements for duty exemption under... [MORE]
  • Administrative Monetary Penalties ("AMPS")
    AMPS places new responsibilities on importers, exporters, customs brokers and carriers. We assist clients with understanding their customs compliance obligations and needs, perform comprehensive AMPS compliance reviews, and... [MORE]
  • Anti-Dumping and Subsidy Disputes
    In the areas of anti-dumping and countervailing duty (anti-subsidy), and other trade actions including those relating to imposition of quantitive restrictions (quota) tariff rate quota and surtaxes, we devise strategies to manage... [MORE]
  • Appeals and Judicial Review
    Gottlieb & Pearson counsel have extensive experience in administrative and judicial appeals and reviews ranging from customs administrative appeals to the Supreme Court of Canada on a wide range of international trade matters.... [MORE]
  • Bilateral Free Trade Agreements
    Canada has many comprehensive and sectoral bilateral trade agreements with nearly every country in the world. Clients may benefit from professional expertise in determining these bilateral trade benefits and obligations, and in... [MORE]
  • Customs and Trade Aspects of Information Technology and E-Commerce
    The current technology based marketplace is new - for example, the Internet has revolutionized the way we do business and has become an essential business medium. Increased technology and international commerce have created new... [MORE]
  • Customs Duty Relief
    Clients may reduce customs duties or obtain rebates by understanding Canada's customs duty relief provisions which include drawback, special remissions programs, inward processing (free trade zones), temporary importation... [MORE]
  • Custom Seizures
    The power of seizure and forfeiture found in the Customs Act has been described by Canadian courts as draconian. Clients involved in seizure and forfeiture cases should mount a defence that is aggressive and focused... [MORE]
  • Customs Valuation
    Clients may minimize the value for duty of imported goods by consideration, analysis and structuring of various elements of the import transaction. These elements include royalties, agency fees, valuation of goods and services,... [MORE]
  • Exporting from Canada
    With the able assistance, where necessary, of foreign counsel we advise clients of market opportunities, the regulation of businesses in foreign markets, and how to cope with tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade. We assist them... [MORE]
  • Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)
    Since efforts began to develop a hemispheric free trade agreement in 1994, Gottlieb & Pearson has been monitoring developments and advising clients on FTAA principles and objectives. As the FTAA is intended to co-exist with... [MORE]
  • Goods and Services Tax
    For most clients, the administration of the Goods and Services Tax ("GST") has now become a fairly straight forward exercise. When problems occur, we assist clients in resolving them, including ensuring that they obtain... [MORE]
  • Government Procurement (domestic & international)
    The government procurement markets have opened dramatically as a result of NAFTA and the GATT Agreement on Government Procurement. We work with clients to identify procurement opportunities resulting from trade agreements, in bid... [MORE]
  • Government Relations and Representations
    We obtain information from and make representations to government officials, Ministers and members of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures to promote our clients' interests or to resolve specific... [MORE]
  • Import & Export Controls
    Canada maintains a system of import and export controls which can result in roadblocks for traders. We work with individual clients to ensure that such controls do not improperly restrict their business. We also work with client... [MORE]
  • Import Procedures and Compliance
    We have successfully worked with our clients to ensure that customs procedures do not hamper the efficient flow of goods. Often in conjunction with Canada Customs, we have assisted in establishing internal systems which meet... [MORE]
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
    The NAFTA affects everyone doing business in Canada, the United States and/or Mexico, whether they be situated in those countries or in third countries. We assist clients and represent their interests in the United States, Canada,... [MORE]
  • Product Regulation and Standards
    We advise clients with respect to sizing, packaging, standards and labeling requirements. We assist our clients in making application for regulatory approvals, testing and certification. We provide advice with respect to... [MORE]
  • Provincial Sales Tax
    Together with customs duties and the GST, provincial sales tax regimes have particular requirements that relate to imported and exported goods. We work with clients to ensure that these requirements are understood and integrated... [MORE]
  • Tariff Classification and Preferences
    Gottlieb & Pearson regularly advises clients on HST rates of duty for imported products and tariff classification approaches as well as appearing before the Canadian International Trade Tribunal on tariff classification... [MORE]
  • Trade and the Environment
    Federal, provincial and local laws and regulations as well as the NAFTA and the GATT covering environmental, product and process standards have a significant effect on the ability of businessmen to produce goods in and/or to... [MORE]
  • Transfer Pricing and Customs Duty
    We structure or restructure transactions so as to minimize the total taxes payable. These taxes include customs duties, anti-dumping and/or countervailing duties, sales taxes and income taxes. This involves compliance with... [MORE]
  • WTO Agreements (GATT 1994)
    We advise clients on the implications of the GATT Agreements on their business activities with particular emphasis on tariff and non-tariff measures, environmental standards and market access. We also advocate on their behalf in... [MORE]