» Tax Consulting and Related Services »
July 26, 2024

Service Areas

    Corporate Tax

  • Corporate Tax Checkups
    From time to time, it is useful to take a fresh look at a corporate structure to determine whether every available tax-planning opportunity has been employed. This exercise is worthwhile every few years because circumstances and... [MORE]
  • Shareholder Remuneration Strategies
    An effective remuneration strategy for owner-managers is vital. We minimize the combined corporate and personal tax payable so that shareholders can maximize their after-tax income. This involves a thorough review of available... [MORE]
  • Mock Audits Audits
    Before a tax auditor knocks at your door, why not have a friendly party go through the audit process to prepare you? We can pinpoint your areas of exposure and prepare you for the types of questions you will likely be asked. In... [MORE]
  • Corporate Reorganizations
    There are many reasons companies may need to be reorganized:; to amalgamate or combine companies in order to use the profits of one company against the losses of another;; to create holding companies for creditor-proofing... [MORE]
  • Sale of a Business
    Tax issues are paramount in selling a business to maximize the after-tax return to the shareholder. We evaluate the various ways of selling a business to determine the most tax-effective overall plan. We; design the transactions... [MORE]
  • Purchase of a Business
    Before purchasing a business, a tax evaluation is always required. Questions such as whether to purchase assets or shares, or possibly a hybrid, are important considerations. There are also opportunities to "step up" the... [MORE]