» Tax Consulting and Related Services »
February 17, 2025

Service Areas

    Tax Disputes

  • Assisting in Tax Audits
    In the Canadian environment of high tax rates, complex rules, frequent change, and a generally aggressive approach to tax matters, the fact that Canadian taxpayers sometimes have disputes with the tax authorities is understandable... [MORE]
  • Disputing Tax Assessments
    In the Canadian environment of high tax rates, complex rules, frequent change, and a generally aggressive approach to tax matters, the fact that Canadian taxpayers sometimes have disputes with the tax authorities is understandable... [MORE]
  • Voluntary Disclosures
    The voluntary disclosure process is a means by which deficiencies in income tax returns can be corrected without penalty or fear of prosecution. We have been involved in numerous cases of voluntary disclosure, and understand CCRA... [MORE]
  • Net Worth Assessments
    The CCRA sometimes uses an auditing technique called a net worth assessment to detect unreported income. Basically, this involves determining the increase in a person's net worth over a period of time, and then examining the... [MORE]