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July 26, 2024

Professional Profile

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Elaine Pui

Professional Status

  • Executive Director of Thomas Lee & Partners Ltd
  • Formerly Executive Director of Tax and Trust Advisory Services Department, Moores Rowland, Chartered Accountants, Certified Public Accountants, Hong Kong office
  • Many years' experience in tax compliance and advisory work gained working in the tax authorities both in Hong Kong and Canada, and major international accounting firms
  • Specialist in international tax, tax investigations and field audits, wealth succession planning, Hong Kong estate duty compliance and group restructuring for listing purposes


  • Fellow, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, 1988
  • Member, Hong Kong Society of Accountants, 1987
  • Member, Certified General Accountants, Canada, 1991
  • Fellow, Taxation Institute of Hong Kong, 1997

Academic Background

  • Higher Diploma in Accountancy, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (formerly Hong Kong Polytechnic)