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July 26, 2024

Professional Profile

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David Hearn

    David Hearn is the Managing Director of Scitax Advisory Partners in Toronto. He is a senior expert in the science and technology aspects of SR&ED tax credit filings.

    Since entering the SR&ED field in 1993, he has handled or supervised many hundreds of successful SR&ED filings.

    From 1995 to 2003 – David was a senior technical consultant at a “big four” international tax advisory firm where he handled or led client engagements and conducted SR&ED training for other staff. Through that work, he gained broad knowledge of CRA operations and developed an extensive network of contacts within the CRA organization across Canada.

    In addition to crafting highly effective SR&ED submissions, David's expertise encompasses; negotiating settlements with CRA, preparing notice of objection appeals and assisting legal counsel in Tax Court Canada actions.

    From 1990 to1994, he was employed by a multi-national management-consulting firm where he worked primarily on program review engagements for Canadian federal and provincial government clients and various public utility companies, including Ontario Hydro.

    Prior to entering consulting in 1990, David held R&D and engineering positions with Phillips and Westinghouse Electric Corporation.

    David is also a guest lecturer at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management. He is a published author on a variety of topics relating to government incentive initiatives in the technology sector. This work includes papers on R&D tax credits around the world and on other forms of government incentives for technology business such as Technology Partnerships Canada.