» Tax Consulting and Related Services »
July 26, 2024

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Working with Accountants

Some say that a company's external accountant is their most valued financial professional. The relationship with this professional is a special one, often built on years of faithful service and trust.

Public accountants are experts in handling day-to-day taxation matters, preparing tax returns, planning client remuneration strategies, and dealing with the CCRA. However, from time to time, more specialized expertise may be needed for a particular purpose.

As tax specialists, our focus is on providing clients with practical tax advice that will save them money. In doing so, we preserve and enhance existing client relationships with their accountants - we do not replace these relationships.

We are here to provide tax services for firms that do not want to incur the high overhead costs of a full-fledged tax department. As accountants, we understand the public accounting profession, we understand client needs, and we are sensitive to deadlines, fee pressures, client demands, and confidentiality.